19 June 2011
15 June 2011
Weaving Textile Engineering
Weaving is a textile craft in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced to form a fabric or cloth. The threads which run lengthways are called the warp and the threads which run across from side to side are the weft or filling.
Cloth is usually woven on a loom, a device that holds the warp threads in place while filling threads are woven through them. Weft is an old English word meaning "that which is woven" A fabric band which meets this definition of cloth (warp threads with a weft thread winding between) can also be made using other methods, inclluding tablet weaving, backstrap, or other techniques without looms.
The way the warp and filling threads interlace with each other is called the weave. The majority of woven products are created with one of three basic weaves: plain weave, satin weave, or twill. Woven cloth can be plain (in one colour or a simple pattern), or can be woven in decorative or artistic designs, including tapestries. Fabric in which the warp and/or weft is tie-dyed before weaving is called ikat.
Though traditional handweaving and spinning remain popular crafts, nowadays the majority of commercial fabrics in the West are woven on computer-controlled Jacquard looms. In the past, simpler fabrics were woven on dobby looms, while the Jacquard harness adaptation was reserved for more complex patterns. Some believe the efficiency of the Jacquard loom, with its Jacquard weaving process, makes it more economical for mills to use them to weave all of their fabrics, regardless of the complexity of the design.
Cloth is usually woven on a loom, a device that holds the warp threads in place while filling threads are woven through them. Weft is an old English word meaning "that which is woven" A fabric band which meets this definition of cloth (warp threads with a weft thread winding between) can also be made using other methods, inclluding tablet weaving, backstrap, or other techniques without looms.
The way the warp and filling threads interlace with each other is called the weave. The majority of woven products are created with one of three basic weaves: plain weave, satin weave, or twill. Woven cloth can be plain (in one colour or a simple pattern), or can be woven in decorative or artistic designs, including tapestries. Fabric in which the warp and/or weft is tie-dyed before weaving is called ikat.
Though traditional handweaving and spinning remain popular crafts, nowadays the majority of commercial fabrics in the West are woven on computer-controlled Jacquard looms. In the past, simpler fabrics were woven on dobby looms, while the Jacquard harness adaptation was reserved for more complex patterns. Some believe the efficiency of the Jacquard loom, with its Jacquard weaving process, makes it more economical for mills to use them to weave all of their fabrics, regardless of the complexity of the design.
Telenor Pakistan BTS site visit - Part 2
- Diversity techniques
- To improve the quality of the received signal, often two receiving antennas are used, placed at an equal distance to an uneven multiple of a quarter of wavelength (for 900 MHz the wavelength it is 30 cm). This technique, known as antenna diversity or space diversity, avoids interruption caused by path fading. The antennas can be spaced horizontally or vertically. Horizontal spacing requires more complex installation, but better performance is obtained in this configuration.
- Other than antenna or space diversity, there are other diversity techniques such as frequency/time diversity, antenna pattern diversity, and polarization diversity.
- Splitting
- The flow of power within a particular area of the cell, known as sector. Every field can therefore be considered like one new cell. By using directional antennas, the co-channel interference is reduced. A typical structure is the trisector, also known as clover, in which there are three sectors, each one served by separate antennas. Every sector has a separate direction of tracking of 120° with respect to the adjacent ones. If not sectorised, the cell will be served by an omnidirectional antenna, which radiates in all directions. Bisectored cells are also implemented with the antennas serving sectors of 180° separation to one another.
Telenor Pakistan BTS site visit - Part 1
A base transceiver station (BTS) or cell site is a piece of equipment that facilitates wireless communication between user equipment (UE) and a network. UEs are devices like mobile phones (handsets), WLL phones, computers with wireless internet connectivity, WiFi and WiMAX gadgets etc. The network can be that of any of the wireless communication technologies like GSM, CDMA, WLL, WAN, WiFi, WiMAX etc.
BTS is also referred to as the radio base station (RBS), node B (in 3G Networks) or, simply, the base station (BS). For discussion of the LTE standard the abbreviation eNB for evolved node B is widely used.
BTS is also referred to as the radio base station (RBS), node B (in 3G Networks) or, simply, the base station (BS). For discussion of the LTE standard the abbreviation eNB for evolved node B is widely used.
12 June 2011
Solidworks in Design and Assembly
SolidWorks is a 3D mechanical CAD (computer-aided design) program that runs on Microsoft Windows and is being developed by Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.,. SolidWorks is currently used by over 1.3 million engineers and designers at more than 130,000 companies worldwide. FY2009 revenue for SolidWorks, was 366 million dollars.
SolidWorks Professional
SolidWorks Premium provides a suite of product development tools mechanical design, design verification, data management, and communication tools. SolidWorks Premium includes all of the capabilities of SolidWorks Professional as well as routing and analysis tools, including SolidWorks Routing, SolidWorks Simulation, and SolidWorks Motion.
SolidWorks Education Edition Provides the same design functionality but is configured and packaged for engineering and industrial design students.
SolidWorks Motion is a virtual prototyping tool that provides motion simulation capabilities to ensure designs function properly.
SolidWorks Flow Simulation is a tool that tests fluid-flow simulation and thermal analysis so designers can conduct tests on virtual prototypes.
SolidWorks Simulation Premium is a design validation tool that caters to designers without engineering background.
SolidWorks Sustainability is a product that measures the environmental impact of designs while they are modeled in SolidWorks.
SolidWorks Enterprise PDM
SolidWorks Viewer is a free plug-in for viewing SolidWorks parts, assemblies, and drawings.
SolidWorks Utilities is software that lets designers find differences between two versions of the same part, or locate, modify, and suppress features within a model.
FeatureWorks is feature recognition software that lets designers make changes to static geometric data, increasing the value of translated files. With FeatureWorks, designers can preserve or introduce new design intent when bringing 3D models created in other software into the SolidWorks environment.

MoldflowXpress is a mold design validation tool that was built into a solid modeling environment. It enables mold designers to quickly and easily validate whether a plastic injection-molded part can be filled.
SolidWorks MoldBase is a catalog of standard mold base assemblies and components. The package enables designers to generate a completely assembled mold base.
Print3D is a 3D printing feature that allows users to convert their 3D CAD model to an .STL file and then have it sent to specialty manufacturers for quote. The .STL files can be used to generate an instant binding quoted using the Quickquote technology.
DriveWorks Xpress DriveWorksXpress is the easy to use, Rules-based Design Automation tool for SolidWorks Engineers.
Create multiple variations of parts, assemblies and drawings quickly and accurately.
3D Mechanical Design Applications
SolidWorks StandardSolidWorks Professional
SolidWorks Premium provides a suite of product development tools mechanical design, design verification, data management, and communication tools. SolidWorks Premium includes all of the capabilities of SolidWorks Professional as well as routing and analysis tools, including SolidWorks Routing, SolidWorks Simulation, and SolidWorks Motion.
SolidWorks Education Edition Provides the same design functionality but is configured and packaged for engineering and industrial design students.
Design Validation Tools
SolidWorks Simulation is a design validation tool that shows engineers how their designs will behave as physical objects.SolidWorks Motion is a virtual prototyping tool that provides motion simulation capabilities to ensure designs function properly.
SolidWorks Flow Simulation is a tool that tests fluid-flow simulation and thermal analysis so designers can conduct tests on virtual prototypes.
SolidWorks Simulation Premium is a design validation tool that caters to designers without engineering background.
SolidWorks Sustainability is a product that measures the environmental impact of designs while they are modeled in SolidWorks.
Product Data Management Tools
SolidWorks Workgroup PDM is a PDM tool that allows SolidWorks users operating in teams of 10 members or less to work on designs concurrently. With SolidWorks PDM Workgroup, designers can search, revise, and vault CAD data while maintaining an accurate design history.SolidWorks Enterprise PDM
Design Communication and Collaboration Tools
eDrawings Professional An e-mail-enabled communication tool for reviewing 2D and 3D product design data across the extended product development team. eDrawings generates accurate representations of DWGgateway is a free data translation tool that enables any AutoCAD software user to open and edit any DWG file, regardless of the version of AutoCAD it was made in.SolidWorks Viewer is a free plug-in for viewing SolidWorks parts, assemblies, and drawings.
CAD Productivity Tools
SolidWorks Toolbox is a library of parts that uses "Smart Part" Technology to automatically select fasteners and assemble them in the desired sequence.SolidWorks Utilities is software that lets designers find differences between two versions of the same part, or locate, modify, and suppress features within a model.
FeatureWorks is feature recognition software that lets designers make changes to static geometric data, increasing the value of translated files. With FeatureWorks, designers can preserve or introduce new design intent when bringing 3D models created in other software into the SolidWorks environment.

Specialty Design Tools
SolidWorks RoutingMoldflowXpress is a mold design validation tool that was built into a solid modeling environment. It enables mold designers to quickly and easily validate whether a plastic injection-molded part can be filled.
SolidWorks MoldBase is a catalog of standard mold base assemblies and components. The package enables designers to generate a completely assembled mold base.
Print3D is a 3D printing feature that allows users to convert their 3D CAD model to an .STL file and then have it sent to specialty manufacturers for quote. The .STL files can be used to generate an instant binding quoted using the Quickquote technology.
DriveWorks Xpress DriveWorksXpress is the easy to use, Rules-based Design Automation tool for SolidWorks Engineers.
Create multiple variations of parts, assemblies and drawings quickly and accurately.
Roles of Engineers in Manufacturing
Many engineers have as their function the designing of the products.The product is brought into reality through the processing or fabrication of materials.
Design Engineer should know what the design is to accomplish what assumption can be made, what service environment of product must withstand what appearance the final product is to have.
To meet these requirements the material(s) to be used must be selected and specified. In most cases to utilize the material, and to enable the product to have the desired form, the designer knows that the certain manufacturing process will have to be employed. In many cases the selection of material may dictate the what the manufacturing process must be used or the utilization of the process effectively and economically, certain dimensional size can dictate the process. Design for manufacturing uses the knowledge of manufacturing process, and so the design and manufacturing engineers should work together to integrate design and manufacturing activities.
Manufacturing Engineers select and coordinate specific process and equipments to be used, Or supervise and manage their use. These engineers must have a broad knowledge about manufacturing process so that desired operation can be done effectively and efficiently without overloading or damaging the machines and without adversely affecting the materials being processed.
Industrial Engineers /Manufacturing Engineers are responsible for the design layout of the factories. They must take into account the inter relationship of design and the properties of the materials.
Material Engineers devote their major efforts to developing new and better materials. They too concerned with how these materials can be processed and with the effects that the processing will have on the properties of the materials. Although their role may be quit different, it is apparent that a large proportion of engineers must concern themselves with the interrelationships of the material and manufacturing process.
Design Engineer should know what the design is to accomplish what assumption can be made, what service environment of product must withstand what appearance the final product is to have.
To meet these requirements the material(s) to be used must be selected and specified. In most cases to utilize the material, and to enable the product to have the desired form, the designer knows that the certain manufacturing process will have to be employed. In many cases the selection of material may dictate the what the manufacturing process must be used or the utilization of the process effectively and economically, certain dimensional size can dictate the process. Design for manufacturing uses the knowledge of manufacturing process, and so the design and manufacturing engineers should work together to integrate design and manufacturing activities.
Manufacturing Engineers select and coordinate specific process and equipments to be used, Or supervise and manage their use. These engineers must have a broad knowledge about manufacturing process so that desired operation can be done effectively and efficiently without overloading or damaging the machines and without adversely affecting the materials being processed.
Industrial Engineers /Manufacturing Engineers are responsible for the design layout of the factories. They must take into account the inter relationship of design and the properties of the materials.
Material Engineers devote their major efforts to developing new and better materials. They too concerned with how these materials can be processed and with the effects that the processing will have on the properties of the materials. Although their role may be quit different, it is apparent that a large proportion of engineers must concern themselves with the interrelationships of the material and manufacturing process.
06 June 2011
Solar Thermal Success Story of 1987-2011
She was quite satisfied with this method of heating water so continued using solar thermal geysers. In 1998, she bought two new units each cost Rs. 12,000 from an Australian Company. However, recently she had to remove these units due to construction of a new floor in the plaza where her clinic is situated. Nonetheless, she is consistent on her strategy to exploit this carbon free and uninterrupted energy and hunting to install similar solar thermal geysers in addition to PV solar panels at her residence. She feels that youth of Pakistan should take the lead now and proactively use this energy & introduce innovations to make them better.
05 June 2011
02 June 2011
Cool Engineering Sites
A Sightseer’s Guide to Engineering for Students
Spotlights how engineers improve our lives.www.engineeringsights.org
Discover Engineering
Tells all about engineers and the cool stuff they build.www.discoverengineering.org
Engineer Girl
All about engineering from a girl’s perspective.www.engineergirl.org
Green Building Pages
This site provides links and resources to associations and other groups who promote "Green" engineering.www.greenbuildingpages.com
Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century
Learn about many of the greatest engineering accomplishments of the 20th Century.www.greatachievements.org
Guide Me NACME
Student website with activities and information about engineering. Provided by the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)www.nacmebacksme.org
How Stuff Works
Provides articles, information and games that promote engineering and invention.express.howstuffworks.com
“School to Careers” Iowa Public Television
Find information on varied professionals and what they do in their jobs here. For example, “Meet a Civil Engineer.”www.careers.iptv.org
FIRST Robotics Competition
This is an exciting, multinational competition that teams professionals with students to solve engineering problems in an intense and competitive way. Check out the competition videos in the “What we do” section.www.usfirst.org
How Everyday Things Are Made
Find out how things are made from Double Bubble Bubble Gum to airplanes. See videos and get links to manufacturers’ websites.http://manufacturing.stanford.edu
The Junior Engineering Technical Society provides real-world insight and challenges for high school students.www.jets.org
Extreme Engineering
Interactive tours of extreme engineering projects.http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/engineering
TryScience.org is your gateway to experience the excitement of contemporary science and technology through on and offline interactivity with over 400 science and technology centers worldwide.www.tryscience.org
What’s That Stuff?
Ever wondered about what’s really in hair coloring, Silly Putty, Cheese Wiz, artificial snow, or self-tanners? Here’s a collection of articles that gives you a look at the chemistry behind a wide variety of products.http://pubs.acs.org/cen/whatstuff/stuff.html
The IEEE Virtual Museum
Imagine life without telephones, TVs, computers, X-rays, lasers and the Internet. These technologies all have one thing in common – they all use electricity and magnetism. See videos and walk through virtual exhibits.www.ieee-virtual-museum.org
This museum of science, art and human perception is located in San Francisco. Visit its online counterpart here with over 15,000 web pages.www.exploratorium.edu
Engineering Net
A collection of links and valuable engineering career information.www.engineeringnet.com
Leonardo da Vinci
His life and machines from the National Museum of Science and Technology in Italy.www.museoscienza.org/english/leonardo
Building Big
Explore large structures and what it takes to build them. Read interviews with real engineers. This website and accompanying five-part television PBS series is a production of WGBH Boston.www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig
Engineering K12 Center
Explore engineering fields, learn how to get and pay for an engineering education, and have fun with interactive engineering games and resources.www.engineeringk12.org/students
Engineering Pathway
This is the engineering education wing of the National Science Digital Library. Check out Community Resources for Engineering Students for great information and links to find out more about engineering schools.www.engineeringpathway.com
Engineering Summer Camps
Engineering summer camp programs for pre-college students.www.asme.org/Communities/Students/K12
Sloan Career Cornerstone Center
If you are beginning to consider career paths, this site can help you explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computing.www.careercornerstone.org/forstudents.htm
This non-profit organization offers a vast clearing house of online resources and links that include many engineering areas of interest.www.envirolink.org
Engineering Search Engines:
01 June 2011
HireLabs The Assessment Company
It,s more then just resume
HireLabs is the leading innovator of pre-employment testing services, utilizing the latest research in the HR industry. Our goal is to streamline and simplify the HR decision-making process to maximize talent alignment while minimizing company costs.
HireLabs is the leading innovator of pre-employment testing services, utilizing the latest research in the HR industry. Our goal is to streamline and simplify the HR decision-making process to maximize talent alignment while minimizing company costs.
Two Decades of Research
Our products are built upon nearly two decades of research. HireLabs works in collaboration with data collected from the US Department of Labor and Stanford University to create the next generation in employment assessments. In an effort to consistently provide the most effective HR solutions, HireLabs incorporates a dynamic design in its products utilizing Six Sigma standards: we continually refine our products to address the latest industry needs allowing HR departments to make better decisions.
Our products are built upon nearly two decades of research. HireLabs works in collaboration with data collected from the US Department of Labor and Stanford University to create the next generation in employment assessments. In an effort to consistently provide the most effective HR solutions, HireLabs incorporates a dynamic design in its products utilizing Six Sigma standards: we continually refine our products to address the latest industry needs allowing HR departments to make better decisions.
At the core of our products lies the Sense System™ that senses the essential attributes of job applicants. Our comprehensive tests are designed to provide an objective filter to the hiring process; an added data point to what is unquestionably a difficult decision. Our products were developed to make your life easier while saving you time and money in the process.
31 May 2011
Industrial Systems Engineering Principles in Health Care
Each step toward medical progress creates demands for information management, decision making and quality management. Recent changes in financing health services have created enormous incentives to improve the productivity of the health system while maintaining or improving quality. Industrial and systems engineers possess tools to analyze these demands and create systems to help solve these problems. Some significant health care issues addressed by UW-Madison health systems engineers include:
What is Industrial Engineering?
Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as Operations Management, but the engineering side tends to emphasize extensive mathematical proficiency and usage of quantitative methods.
In 1974, MS started out as a small forging shop which at the time produced 250 tons of forgings for railway and gas companies. Little did we know that this small shop would one day be the largest forging house in Pakistan.
The 1970's saw a marked growth in the industrial development locally which in turn decreased the domestic reliance on the foreign imported goods. It was not late before the company realized the immense potential awaiting us in the then emerging automotive sector. With astute understanding and visionary perception, the company was able to mould the unfolding events in our own favor, and laid down the foundations of the future’s most promising company in 1984.
MS pioneered the production of automotive forgings in Pakistan.
The 1970's saw a marked growth in the industrial development locally which in turn decreased the domestic reliance on the foreign imported goods. It was not late before the company realized the immense potential awaiting us in the then emerging automotive sector. With astute understanding and visionary perception, the company was able to mould the unfolding events in our own favor, and laid down the foundations of the future’s most promising company in 1984.
MS pioneered the production of automotive forgings in Pakistan.
Descon Engineering Film - 30 years
Descon Engineering is a multi-dimensional engineering, construction and manufacturing company operating in Pakistan and the Middle East. With over 450 million man-hours of construction work executed in industrial and infrastructure projects, Descon employs over 34000 professionals and other personnel.
Services: EPC, Project Management, Engineering, Construction, Maintenance and Manufacturing
Locations: Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
Services: EPC, Project Management, Engineering, Construction, Maintenance and Manufacturing
Locations: Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait
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